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Why Indonesia.
日期 Date:
2022 年11月9日(星期三)至11月21日(星期一)
November 9th (Wednesday) to 21st (Monday), 2022
行程 Itinerary:
耶加達國際機場集合 Arrival in Jakarta International Airport(2022.11.10)
瑪琅 Malang : HOPE Ministry “House of Peace” – 青少年和兒童事工 Children Ministry, Youth Ministry
西加里曼丹 Pontianak, W. Kalimantan : 坤甸福音自傳教會 (GKNI Church),喜悅基督教學校 (Joyful School)
西加里曼丹 Batang Tarang, W. Kalimantan「西加巴當塔朗基督徒中心」(BTCC)
目的 Purposes:
認識世界最多穆斯林的印尼, 學習向未得之民作鄰舍宣教, 探討有目標策略的宣教機會/模式, 參加宣教事工。
To gain a better understanding of Indonesia as the most populated Muslims country; to explore strategic missionary models and opportunities in reaching out to the Unreached People Groups as neighbors.
費用 Costs:
短宣費用是 USD900.00,包括印尼內陸機票,住宿,飲食,陸上交通及事工費用。參加者須各自負責訂購11月10日到達耶加達 CGK 國際機場和11月21日離開耶加達的機票。 (持加拿大護照入境印尼停留 30 天之內不用預先申請旅遊簽證,參加者需自行購買旅遊保險。)
STM fees US$900.00 including domestic flights in Indonesia, food and lodging, transportation, and ministry expenditures. Each participant will be responsible for own international flights arriving in (CGK) Jakarta International Airport on November 10th and departure on November 21st . (Canadian passport holders will be able to have a 30-day free single entry Visa on Arrival (VOA) to enter Indonesia. Each participant is responsible for own travel insurance.)
No requirement for COVID test upon arrival in Jakarta, vaccination proof is required, with a US$35 visa fee.
Interesting Facts.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.